About our courses

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The Focus of MPI’s Programme

MPI’s programmes concentrates on journalism and more specifically focusing on those who work in media organisations, whether they are members of MPI directly or not. The objectives are:

  • To inculcate ethical and responsible journalism
  • Sharpen the skills of media practitionersa.
  • Upgrade support services in journalism for selected disciplines among new journalists.
  • Further develop understanding among young journalists on how the state institutions operate.
  • Upgrade academic qualifications of journalists.
  • Recognition of excellence in journalism through awards and prizes
  • Publishing specialised literature in journalism, the media and communications
  • A resource centre of expertise and instructors in for more advanced or experienced local and foreign journalists, especially those who are veterans.
  • Offer a panel of jurors and judges with integrity to preside over competitions.
  • Creating a network of like-minded organisations, both at home and abroad in journalism.
  • Building bridges and strengthening ties between the newsroom and corporate media practitioners.

The Essence of MPI training programmes

It takes into account the fact that the participants of the programme are full-time journalists of media entities, so they are essentially:

  • Programmes are conducted gratis, if there are sponsors. Othetwise the charge is minimal
  • Duration: two or three days – unless International Journalism Fellowship (IJF) programmes and the  1Malaysia Young Journalists Felowship.
  • In the form of workshops, being a blend of lectures and practicals
  • Fulfilling current needs of the news industry and media organisations, such as new tools for multimedia reporting, media and the law)
  • In general, for media practitioners, regardless of work site or specifically details (such as those requested by TV3 for investigative journalism and media relations for information officers/ corporate communications officers of various state departments in Sarawak.